Kagan Professional Development offers the world's most powerful and engaging professional development opportunities for educators.
Each year, Kagan offers workshops, academies, coaching, and courses to thousands of teachers, trainers, and administrators worldwide.
What sets Kagan apart from other training organizations is Kagan Structures. Kagan Structures are research-based instructional strategies that have a track record of improving academic achievement and social outcomes.
It's All About Engagement!
We know the number one key to success in school is quality instruction. And the number one key to quality instruction is actively engaging students.
Kagan Professional Development offers world-famous Kagan Structures that boost engagement and learning for all students. Experience first-hand the power of the Kagan approach and come away with practical and proven strategies that you can really use tomorrow!
Kagan specializes in:
Active Engagement
Cooperative Learning
Multiple Intelligences
Win-Win Discipline
Brain-Friendly Instruction
Thinking Skills
Character Development
Emotional Intelligence
English Language Learning
The Following Are A List Of Kagan Training Workshops We Provide: