We specialise in 21st Century’s Skills and Competencies for both schools and corporate organisations. We work closely with Key Personnel, Middle Management, Senior Executives etc. to coach them in Leadership skills and Strategic Thinking to ensure their unique leading place in the market place.
We invest teachers, curriculum developers, curriculum writers etc. with the latest pedagogies undergirded by research in brain-based learning and brain-friendly teaching. We conduct train-the-trainer programmes using easily transferable participant-friendly strategies.
Our coaching consultancies in both local and international training programmes have resulted in fun filled, meaningful, enriching learning experiences for hundreds of students in the classroom.
Yours in Education,
Jaya Das & Nirmala Ayadurai
Directors, Singapore EduMatrix

Our Mission

To be a leading innovative education provider, empowering and liberating the learner.
Our Vision

Knowledge Activators,
Optimising Learning for tomorrow.