Tailored Training
We listen to your needs, and tailor our training to ensure your learning objectives are achieved.
Experienced Trainers
Experienced consultants who have come together, pooling our varied experiences, competencies and background,
to provide a unique blend of training experiences.
Together, we have almost a hundred years of experience
Outcomes Achieved
Our classrooms are filled with engaged students, in whose minds the lessons we impart, linger.
We are the knowledge activators of today. Our trainers specialise in the 21st Century’s Skills and Competencies. Expounding the importance of the required competencies for the 21stcentury, we also train teachers, curriculum developers’ and writers’ to harness the power of the latest pedagogies, recent developments of brain-based learning as well as participant-friendly strategies in Train the Trainer programmes.
Optimising Learning with Tailored Interactive Experiences
We have trained internationally
We have taught a diverse range of students, from teachers in Texas to monks in the Himalayas
We promise enjoyable learning experiences.
We incorporate lots of interaction and movement using latest pedagogical methods.
Our lessons are structured according to the organizational requirements.
About Edumatrix
To be a leading innovative education provider, empowering and liberating the learner.
Knowledge Activators, Optimising Learning for tomorrow.
Singapore EduMatrix Pte. Ltd. is headed by experienced consultants who have come together, pooling their varied experiences, competencies and background to provide a unique blend of training experiences, each one of which will be painstakingly tailored and fashioned to meet the needs of our participants.
We focus both on corporate and education training.
We are passionate not only about training but also in imparting knowledge and teaching skills. We provide today’s leaders with the relevant skills and competencies to unlock and achieve their potential. We provide solutions for organisations in achieving service excellence and greater productivity by aligning their staff to the organisation’s Mission, Vision and Values. Organisational Change & Development and Performance Management courses for both supervisors and supervisees are specially designed to the specific needs of the various industries.
We are the knowledge activators of today. Our trainers specialise in the 21st Century’s Skills and Competencies. Expounding the importance of the required competencies for the 21st century, we also train teachers, curriculum developers’ and writers’ to harness the power of the latest pedagogies, recent developments of brain-based learning as well as participant-friendly strategies in Train the Trainer programmes.
About Our Workshops
Enjoyable learning experiences.
Lots of interaction and movement.
Using latest pedagogical methods.
Structured according to the organizational requirements.
Participants walk away with a clear understanding of the topic.
Fun-infused unforgettable sessions with vibrant and energetic trainers.
Unprecedented levels of engagement
Courses For Schools
Values Inculcation
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
21st Century Skills and Competencies,
Brain-based Learning
Active Learning Strategies
Student-Engagement tools
Differentiated Instruction
Multiple Intelligences
Classroom Management
Creative Thinking
Action Research
Motivation & Personal Effectiveness
Stress Management
Effective Communication
Collaborative & Self-directed Learning
Assessment for Learning
Specialized Subject – Based Training
Problem Based Learning,
Critical Thinking
Facilitation Skills
Shaping School Culture
Instructional Leadership
Instructional Coaching and Mentoring
Organizational Development
Leadership Development
Professional Learning Communities
Courses for Ministries, Statutory Boards and Corporates
Service Excellence
Mission, Vision & Values Inculcation
Performance Management &Appraisal
Personal Effectiveness & Motivation
Stress Management & Communication
Team Building
Handling Difficult People
Problem Based Learning
Group Dynamics
Managing Change
Kagan Training
Brain-Friendly Teaching
Surprising new brain imaging techniques give us new windows into real-time functioning. For the first time we can actually view which parts of the brain are engaged as we use different instructional strategies. Through this technology and other advances in brain science, there is an emerging understanding of which teaching methods best align with how the brain best learns. Learn more about how the brain actually learns. Learn which instructional strategies are brain-friendly and which are not. Find teaching easier and far more effective as you adopt proven brain-friendly structures!
• Put brain science to work to maximise learning
• View brain scans showing how brains “light up” with different types of student interaction
• Master the Kagan Structures that make every lesson brain-friendly
• Experience a wealth of Tools, Tips, and Kagan Structures to create total brain engagement
• Create a safe learning environment where learning, thinking, and creativity flourish
• Nourish the brain with Number Group Mania!
• Discover stimuli that boost comprehension and retention of content
• Apply the principles of brain-friendly teaching in every lessons!
Higher-Level Thinking Skills
In this dynamic, hands-on workshop, you will experience simple instructional strategies to engage and develop the fifteen most fundamental thinking skills. Adopt simple structures to develop each of these skills with no time away from your academic curriculum! Learn how to embed the thinking skills into how you teach, so every lesson becomes a thinking skills lesson. Improve academic engagement, retention and achievement- but most importantly, prepare every student with thinking skills they will use for lifetime!
Explore the 15 most fundamental thinking skills
Jump-start students’ critical and creative thinking
Prepare students for a rapidly changing world
Generate higher-level thinking among all students
Integrate thinking skills across your curriculum, in every lesson
Strengthen students’ analytical skills
Enhance synergy with cooperative brainstorming
Multiple Intelligences
Maximising learning for students with different patterns of intelligences. Celebrate your students’ uniqueness. Honor the diversity among them. In this workshop, you will learn the eight different ways our students are smart, and even learn to recognize your own pattern practical and proven multiple intelligences structures you can use to engage your different learners. Provide using innovative MI structures students will love. Take home practical step-by-step instructions for each structure so it is easy to create a learning environment that builds on student strengths and develops that range of intelligences for everyone Don’t miss this exciting hands-on, interactive workshop!
Learn how your students are smart in eight ways
Recognise your own pattern of intelligences
Provide multiple windows into your curriculum to make sure students are really “getting it”
Give all your students the opportunity to show how smart they really are
Boost students’ self-esteem and learning as they recognize their unique intelligences
Make your curriculum accessible to all your students with different patterns of intelligences
Take how cutting-edge, practical Kagan MI structures to promote success in your classroom
Use MI lessons and activities to make your content more engaging and exciting for all learners
Win-Win Discipline
Create discipline solutions where you win and your students win. Gain a new perspective on discipline problems and come away with tools that really work. Convert every disruption into a learning opportunity. Go beyond ending disruptions- teach responsible behaviours and life skill. In this Win-Win Discipline overview, you’ll learn all the basic: to identify the four types of disruptive behavior; to recognize the seven positions from which they spring; and what to do in the moment-of disruption. Experience the power of the most comprehensive approach to discipline ever created.
Boost your confidence in handling all types of disruptions you face
Understand why your students misbehave and what to do about it
Promote responsible behavior in your classroom
Deal appropriately with aggression, confrontations, rule breaking, withdrawal and clowning
Channel your overly energetic students’ disruptive behavior into productive learning
Adopt preventative discipline strategies that address problems before they happen
Create a safe, comfortable classroom focused on learning, not discipline
Cooperative Learning
Engage students and raise test scores with teacher-friendly strategies you can implement tomorrow! In this workshop, you’ll experience cutting-edge teaching structures to create classroom success now and forever! In addition you will need management tips, how to form effective teams, strategies for creating a cooperative class through teambuilding and class building, and why cooperative learning produces gains when group work often fails. Finally, a class that has practical, hands-on ideas grounded in sound research and theory.
Pump up the fun, friendships, and liking for learning and each other with classbuilding and teambuilding
Experience why group work simply doesn’t work for everyone, and why Kagan structures do
Save valuable time and energy with easy-to-use structures that make lesson planning a snap
Keep students on task and effectively manage disruptions with engaging structures and the skills to do so successfully
Master the different type of pairs and teams, how to form them, and when to use them
Provide students the will to work together
Take away hot management tips that will make managing your cooperative class a snap
Fully understand and implement basic principles that spell success for your students
Create an environment where all students are accountable for complete engagement , everyday
Overseas Training
Overseas training conducted by Singapore EduMatrix
In India (30 April till 4 May 2015)
Buddhist monks for Teaching Buddhism and Philosophy using Interactive Methods –
United States of America
As a Certified Kagan Trainer since 2011, and part of the International Team
Teachers in Cooperative Learning in Texas and Los Angeles (August 2015 under Singapore EduMatrix)
In Macau
Teachers in Macau Anglican College in August 2015
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