Course Name
Barret’s Taxonomy For English Language
Learning Outcomes: Teachers should be able to
Use student-centric strategies to teach Reading Comprehension.
Use Barrett’s Taxonomy to develop/design reading comprehension questions to help ALL students interact with the text to create and construct meaning.
Use Barrett’s Taxonomy to assess students orally.
Use Barret’s Taxonomy to guide setting of comprehension exam questions.
Content to be Covered
Introduction to 5 Levels of Barrett’s Taxonomy for Reading Comprehension.
Student interaction strategies and management tips to ensure active participation.
Strategies for teaching Reading Comprehension :
ReQuest and Pick & Check
Checking accuracy for literal, reorganisation and inferential type of questions.
Hands-on practice in creating different types of questions.
For More Information, Contact Us:
Singapore EduMatrix
Tel: +65-8533-8439
213 Kaki Bukit Ave 1
Shun Li Industrial Park
Singapore 416041